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The High Acres in Kingswinford

Madeley Rd
01384 277365

"Caters for private parties"

Facilities at The High Acres...

Click or tap to tell us about your experiences...

1 visitor(s) told us that The High Acres has a function room. Is this correct?

Does The High Acres offer food service?

Does The High Acres have a pool table?

Does The High Acres have sports TV?

Does The High Acres have a dartboard?

Does The High Acres have outdoor seating?

Does The High Acres regularly serve real ale?

Does The High Acres have a car park?

Does The High Acres have disabled access?

Does The High Acres welcome children?

1 visitor(s) told us that The High Acres is dog friendly. Is this correct?

Does The High Acres offer free WiFi?

Planning a Party?

DJs recommended for events at The High Acres...

About this info...

Information presented on this page has been collated from the public domain, augmented with reviews from event hosts and facility information offered by the general public. This information, whilst casually validated to ensure sensibility, is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The website operator accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality or reliability of any of the information contained herein.